
Traditional cold rice salad

Traditional cold rice salad


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Traditional Rice Salad: follow the recipe and discover how to prepare this tasty dish!
  1. Rinse the rice a couple of times to remove some of the starch.
  2. Boiled in salted water and scented with 1 bay leaf and 1 shallot.
  3. Drain the rice and spread it on a tray to let it cool, shelling it with a fork.
  4. When it is cold, grease it with oil and degrease it again.
  5. Drain the Nova's prepared for cold rice salads, without passing it in the water and add it to the rice, stirring gently so as to mix all the components.
  6. Add the ham, eggs, mozzarelline and provolone, then stir again.
  7. Season everything, finally, with an emulsion made of oil, mustard and a fine chopped aromatic herbs to taste such as thyme, basil and marjoram.
Enjoy your meal!

PS: you could replace the ham with canned tuna. To get the vegetarian version of our rice salad, season it with seitan cubes instead of meat and fish!

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